Have you ever had something to eat so disgusting you just couldn’t swallow it? I had a yogurt many years ago that was so bad I can still remember the experience. I’d just had lunch and removing the foil cover was preparing to finish off with a yogurt. I dipped the spoon in and took the first sip… it was so sickening I had no choice but to spit it out. The thought of eating the whole carton wasn’t an option, even the smallest amount of this stuff was totally repulsive.
One the other hand, ‘the rich young ruler’ found it much more difficult to recognise his sinfulness. Even when confronted by the Ten Commandments’ he failed to see where he had faltered as he replied, ‘All these I have kept from my youth’. Only when pressed a little further did he start to identify his sin. Jesus asked him to do something that forced him to choose between God and money. ‘Go sell all that you have and give to the poor and come follow me’ Jesus said. The words had hardly left his mouth when the young man left very sorrowful, because he loved his wealth more than God. His sin was not obvious to others or indeed to himself but clearly he did have another god before the One True God.
Two things the young man failed to recognise. First, just as I couldn’t swallow even the smallest amount of that yogurt, so God cannot tolerate even the ‘smallest’ amount of sin. It is totally obnoxious to Him. Second, a flat tyre caused by a huge rock or a little nail is still a flat tyre. So it is with sin, the ‘size’ or ‘amount’ of sin is irrelevant as it brings about the same result – separation from God. Mary Magdalene’s life was steeped in sin, the young man was a pretty ‘good’ lad but both were at odds with God.
Strange as it may seem it was Mary, the least ‘respectable’ of the two, who found forgiveness and friendship with God. The young man went away sorrowful not willing to acknowledge his need of a saviour. Jesus said it is those who are sick who need a doctor, He came to bring sinful people to repentance not those who think they are good enough.