Gracia Burnham and her daughter Mindy have just spent a week in N. Ireland. Gracia spoke at numerous meetings around the Provence and spent hours talking with people who came to hear her.
For those of you who don’t know about Gracia, she and her husband Martin were missionaries with New Tribes Mission in the Philippines. Martin was a pilot and in charge of NTMs flight programme in the Philippines. In 2001 Martin and Gracia were taken hostage from Palawan Island, Philippines by the Abu Sayaf. After a year of captivity in the jungle Gracia was rescued by the military. Martin lost his life in the gun battle between their captors and the Philippine army.
As Gracia tells her story it is clear that she has found God to be faithful to her in those most difficult of circumstances. She is extremely honest about her own thoughts and feelings during captivity but has emerged from the ordeal with an even greater confidence in God who is ultimately in control in every situation.
‘In The Presence of My Enemies’. Written by Gracia Burnham this book tells their story from that morning at Dos Palmas when she and Martin were taken hostage.
For those of you who don’t know about Gracia, she and her husband Martin were missionaries with New Tribes Mission in the Philippines. Martin was a pilot and in charge of NTMs flight programme in the Philippines. In 2001 Martin and Gracia were taken hostage from Palawan Island, Philippines by the Abu Sayaf. After a year of captivity in the jungle Gracia was rescued by the military. Martin lost his life in the gun battle between their captors and the Philippine army.
As Gracia tells her story it is clear that she has found God to be faithful to her in those most difficult of circumstances. She is extremely honest about her own thoughts and feelings during captivity but has emerged from the ordeal with an even greater confidence in God who is ultimately in control in every situation.
‘In The Presence of My Enemies’. Written by Gracia Burnham this book tells their story from that morning at Dos Palmas when she and Martin were taken hostage.

‘To Fly Again’. In Gracia’s second book she reflects on what it was like when life was totally out of her control. She shares many of the spiritual lessons she learned. Max Lucado called her book, ‘A training manual for anyone seeking to fly above discouraging circumstances’.