From time to time we organise reunions for our teams that have gone out on SUMMIT mission trips. Not everyone who has gone on a trip is free to come to reunion but for those who are it is a relaxing time to get together with friends they have made, to recall the things they did on their trip, the fun things that happened and the more serious things they saw and heard. They browse through photos and watch power point and video presentations of their missions experience.
At our most recent reunion at the beginning of November teams to Thailand, Brazil, Mongolia, The Philippines and Mozambique were represented.
Our weekend ‘kicked off’ on Friday evening as everyone arrived at North Cotes for supper. The chat and ‘craic’ carried on throughout the weekend. On Saturday we went out for lunch and afterwards walked along a nearby beach where hundreds of seals come each year to have their young. It’s a cold and exposed place but worth the visit to see the cute little baby seals. After dark on Saturday we joined with some of the staff and students for a bonfire and, as became our custom throughout the weekend, finished off with some more snacks. On Sunday morning we had our own ‘service’, enjoying singing and worshipping together and once again hearing a challenging message from God’s Word.
Our weekend ‘kicked off’ on Friday evening as everyone arrived at North Cotes for supper. The chat and ‘craic’ carried on throughout the weekend. On Saturday we went out for lunch and afterwards walked along a nearby beach where hundreds of seals come each year to have their young. It’s a cold and exposed place but worth the visit to see the cute little baby seals. After dark on Saturday we joined with some of the staff and students for a bonfire and, as became our custom throughout the weekend, finished off with some more snacks. On Sunday morning we had our own ‘service’, enjoying singing and worshipping together and once again hearing a challenging message from God’s Word.

Reunion provided an opportunity for us to remember our mission trips with others who shared those same experiences. We were reminded again of the things God said while we were away and of the need of a world without the gospel. I think as we looked back over our time on the mission field we were thankful not only that God had given us the opportunity to go but for His guidance, protection and help while we were away.
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