In my last posting I mentioned that dad had been ill, since then he has passed away. The following paragraph from our most recent prayer letter gives some of the details surrounding his death.
'On our return from Peru we were due to spend a few days with friends in the States but a phone call from home informed us that dad wasn’t doing well so we came home directly. It was good to be back with him for his birthday but clearly he had not been recovering, a further infection had really taken its toll. He passed away a week later on 1st May. We were pleased he didn’t have a long or difficult period of suffering but miss him greatly. As for him, he is absent from the body, present with the Lord.'
A friend sent us these lovely words:
O think!
To step on shore, and that shore heaven;
To take hold of a hand, and that God’s hand;
To breathe a new air, and find it celestial air.
To feel invigorated, and to know it immortality!
O think!
To pass from the storm and the tempest to one unbroken calm;
To wake up, and find it Glory!
On May 1st John Murphy’s earthly life ended and he opened his eyes in Glory.
'On our return from Peru we were due to spend a few days with friends in the States but a phone call from home informed us that dad wasn’t doing well so we came home directly. It was good to be back with him for his birthday but clearly he had not been recovering, a further infection had really taken its toll. He passed away a week later on 1st May. We were pleased he didn’t have a long or difficult period of suffering but miss him greatly. As for him, he is absent from the body, present with the Lord.'
A friend sent us these lovely words:
O think!
To step on shore, and that shore heaven;
To take hold of a hand, and that God’s hand;
To breathe a new air, and find it celestial air.
To feel invigorated, and to know it immortality!
O think!
To pass from the storm and the tempest to one unbroken calm;
To wake up, and find it Glory!
On May 1st John Murphy’s earthly life ended and he opened his eyes in Glory.
On June 1st Joel John Murphy entered this world in Peru. David and Alicia’s first son was a healthy 10 lbs 5 ozs.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord. Job 1:21

Joel with his very proud big sister, Sarah.
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